I usually have an idea in my head or a concept that I am looking forward to unpacking with the keystrokes of my Mac.
This time I don’t!
At the moment my idea reservoir is about as dry as the Canyonlands of Utah.
For today, my entry is to say that I have no big idea to offer you.
Yet, I suspect this discomfort is more common than we might want to admit to each other.
Sometimes we just don’t have a revolutionary idea or project that we can’t wait to work on.
I wouldn’t call this writers block
It’s more like the time right after a big race or shipping your project.
You did all of the work, trained well, showed up on race day and delivered.
The day immediately after the race is a bummer.
There is a let down of excitement.
The lead-up anticipation is over.
The daily motivation of the deadline is gone.
It’s back to the drawing board to start working on the next “big thing”.
The Next Big Thing
I envy people that are more even keeled than me.
I love watching them as they do the work without requiring a new injection of “what’s the next big thing?”
They have an amazing ability to move from one day-to-the next without much thought.
I know athletes like this.
They finish one race on Sunday and then on Monday they start their training cycle over again.
They don’t need a goal or mission or a big story to chase.
They simply wake up tomorrow and do the work.
Dreaming of a Reason
My heart drives most of what I do.
Unfortunately I don’t wake up on Monday after a race and just jump back onto the hamster wheel.
I go for a run, but not with the same zeal I had before the race.
I go searching for a more allusive question
"What is my heart saying is next?"
I usually need a reason or an idea to drive me to get all of the way to the finish line.
This same mystery surrounds writing this blog.
I am familiar with the Steven Pressfield “Do the Work” idea.
I am not talking about work ethic here.
I am talking about the internal fire burning at a dull glow instead of a hot fiery furnace.
Friends I am not going to conjure up some list of five things to do to cure this predicament.
I know some of those lists are very popular and even helpful.
Instead I’m going to leave us both with the mystery of the question
“What is our heart saying is next?”
Keep going.