What is the Magic to raising $128K on Kickstarter?
- How do you raise $100K on Kickstarter?
- What are the key ingredients for success on Kickstarter?
- Make sure you don’t do……?
Have you considered starting your own campaign to fuel your entrepreneurial idea?
Before you do, you should listen to Stefan Loble, founder of Bluff Works,
tell his story of raising $128,722.
Click to Listen
A Quick Breakdown
- Stefan Loble did not inheret $1M and quit his job.
- He did not go raise VC (Venture Capital) or Angel investment capital.
- He did not have twenty years of experience in the men’s apparel industry.
What was his qualification for greatness?
He had enough of the 9 am to 5 pm routine working for someone else.
And he believed that a pair of pants could help him get that much closer to the life he wanted to live.
The life that you and I want to live. Adventure meets the boardroom.

The Kickstarter Campaign
When Stefan launched his Kickstarter campaign his goal was only $13,500. So what made this campaign so successful?
- Was it because he had a Tribe following already in place already begging for his next product offering?
- Or was it because he had a Social Media megaphone through which he marketed the story?
Let’s find out.
Sound Bytes
- Bluff Works-Based in NYC. Founded in 2010.
- Specializing in Men’s adventure apparel that
- The Pants will ship in early October to those 1181 Kickstarter Backers that helped Stefan realize his dream.
- Watch the Kickstarter campaign video here.
- Watch the launch of the Kickstarter campaign with Barbara Corcoran here.
- You can find Bluff Works on Facebook or Follow Stefan on Twitter.
- Justin Lukasavige is my co-host on this interview. Justin is a business coach, podcaster, and fellow adventurer.
You should definetly add him to your Follow list @lukasavige. - Aaron McHugh post about Passion being the RocketFuel of success.
Click here.