Our experience of life can become humdrum if we allow it. To interrupt the monotony of life, I propose you call a friend, invite yourself to dinner and then, wait for it, walk to their house.
How our dinner party became a reality
“Hey Jon, can we come for dinner at your house on Saturday night? We want to walk to your house over the river and through the woods.”
“Sure-are you serious?”
-Undaunted Courage dinner party

As the crow flies, Jon lives twenty-miles away, which made for the perfect adventure. We dubbed our party Undaunted Courage in honor of Stephen Ambrose’s book about the explorers Lewis and Clark. No doubt, our cross country trek of a few hours wasn’t comparable, but our explorer’s spirit lacked none of the potency of uncertainty.
Map, compass, trekking poles, and willing hearts were our equipment to help us create a permanent narrative of exploration, adventure, and intimacy. Even something as simple as dinner can become an adventure.
Reject the humdrum. Go big. Live on purpose.
Keep going,