I S O L A T I O N is a short film directed by David Guersan and Mathieu Bernat about a stranger leaving his modern lifestyle for a spiritual journey through incredible Scottish landscapes. Throughout the film, the stranger works to uncover the meaning of solitude and isolation. The piece was shot while traveling for two weeks in a leaky van through remote parts of Scotland.
Watch ISOLATION on Vimeo
I S O L A T I O N from UNFAZED on Vimeo.
A friend sent me a write up in Outside Magazine about ISOLATION “find clarity and break away from society”. The four minute film is soaked in visually arresting imagery. The ending punchline resonates with me most, “It’s not what we get in life that makes us happy. I think it’s who we become.”

Click to Listen to Why You Need ISOLATION with Filmmakers David Guersan and Mathieu Bernat
- How being trapped with all of your faults helps you breakthrough the clutter of life.
- Removing ourselves from the trappings of society helps us discover more meaning.
- Don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you.
- Not to think, but just to explore.
- How the idea for ISOLATION was born

More of their work
Follow David and Mathieu on their visual storytelling journey on Facebook @Unfazed. Find David on Instagram @David_Guersan. Find Jamie Farguharson (the star of the film) on his Instagram Wanderings @wanderingforwisdom or on Facebook. Directed by : Mathieu Bernat & David Guersan // Sound : Arthaud Versaveaud // Starring : Jamie Farquarshon.

Thanks to my friend Britt Jones for the recommendation on watching this short film.