I have this theory that all of our experiences, our misfortunes, our victories, our relationships, our shortcomings, our unexplained mysteries of our life are useful raw materials. It reminds me of the periodic table of elements that represent the building blocks of all life. When combining multiple elements, they take on new properties and create new matter.
I think our life is like this.
We never fully understand which experiences and which occurrences of our life will eventually be drawn upon to make something important. I believe they are all raw materials for our present and future. They are individually useful no matter how small or difficult or forgotten. They make us who we are. Embrace the mystery of the raw materials of your life.

Here’s a little shout out to Joel Spicola, my partner in entrepreneurial dreaming back in 2000. We dreamed up Cubicleplanet.com, “Uniting a planet, one cubicle at a time”. I included our Cubicleplanet radio commercial that we cut as part of our business plan that we Fedex’ed to Venture Capitalists and Fast Company magazine. We thought for sure we’d be millionaires.
Cubicleplanet has become a symbol to me of the invention and creativity that I’ve always had inside of me. Although we never created an actual business, we birthed an idea that had genuine possibility. Cubicleplanet represents a raw material of my life that I draw upon regularly.