Five years ago I started writing a couple articles on a wordpress site to profile my ideas as part of a career change.
Accidentally….Now two-hundred and forty field reports (blog posts) and 86 podcast episodes later on Work Life Play….I can confidently say I’m onto something. This podcast is a milestone marker to this five year journey and the lesson’s I’ve learned.
Thanks for your friendship, your love, your encouragement, your comments, your shares and rooting me forward.
Here’s my summary as best I can articulate it today.
Learn how to restore balance in your life.
Create a life that matters to you.
The narrative we tell ourselves frames our life.
Work can’t be about survival.
Life can’t be entirely about work.
Rethink work.
Live differently.
Capitalize on the small margins of your life, they add up.
Stay curious.
Live adventurously.
Learn to play.
Love the people that you’re with.
Click to Listen to Milestone Marker of Five Years