You don’t need a destination. You don’t need a lot of money. You don’t need to spend a lot of time planning. You just need to stuff your kids in the car, point in a direction and start driving. Our modern life is too full, too full of responsibilities, objectives, targets, metrics, schedules, measurement, technology, and pressure. A road trip without a detailed itinerary can help you experience more rest, play, adventure and connection with the people you love. It’s almost summer, this podcast will help you get started on your summer road trip with your kids.
Click to Listen Live a Better Story with Your Kids: Take a Road Trip

Keys to a successful road trip with your kids
I need you to trust me on these three ideas. In the past, had these all wrong. Learning from my mistakes, now when I take my kids on a road trip here is how I roll.
Don’t script every stop, every bathroom break, and every meal. Where is the adventure in that? Draft out a framework of where you want to aim and just let the trip unfold.
Pick out a few candidates of things you’d like to do, like to see and a few whacky choices also. Remember the movie Vacation and how Clark Griswold wanted to visit the largest ball of twine? Go find something silly. Maybe its one of those road-side rock shops that you stop at?
Under managed
If your kids want to play in a creek instead of the hike the killer trail that you picked out, do it. If your kids want to sleep in instead of get up early to watch the sunrise over the Pacific, do it. If your son wants to bring his best buddy instead of it just being father and son, do it.
Work Life Play blog posts to get you thinking about where to go and what to do
Movie Nerds: Our trip where we reenacted scenes from the Goonies movie
100 Year Anniversary of our National Parks: Go watch this IMAX film to get you dreaming