In some seasons, the work we do everyday may not be fulfilling, fun or live giving. I want to share a story with you about learning to do honorable work despite the circumstances. Knowing a number of your career stories, this story will challenge you to reframe the way you approach tough career seasons.
I met a man on the street corner in Laguna Beach, CA who forever changed how I understand the value of doing the work I don’t enjoy in an honorable way. He taught me that tending to simple things well transforms the humdrum into honorable life-giving work.
Podcast bullet:
- If you don’t like the work you’re doing everyday. We can still choose to do it well.
- It is honorable just doing the hard work of staying alive.
- There is a lot of pressure in our modern world for our lives to be epic and big. Big and epic aren’t helpful when you find yourself in a season of work you don’t love.
- We see with our eyes what we believe we will see. Seeing is believing.
- How we operate in difficult seasons, says a lot about our core beliefs.
Click to Listen Honorable Work and The Short Bus