In this podcast interview with Joanne Miller, she helps us understand the importance of having a peaceful and healthy home environment. In Joanne’s new book, Creating a Haven of Peace (available on Amazon) she stresses the importance of intentional environmental design within your home. Bottom line: Peaceful home = Peaceful life.
Joanne is married to Dan Miller, author of 48 Days to the Work You Love. They make quite the powerhouse couple as lifelong entrepreneurs.
Click to Listen to my interview with Joanne Miller

More on her book from Amazon
“Creating a Haven of Peace” provides a formula for creating Sanctuary in your own home. An escape from the busyness and chaos surrounding our families today. Here are very attainable steps to creating the life you desire.
How incorporating the five senses can turn your home into a Sanctuary of peace and love that supersedes the “security” you think money can provide.
How relationship trumps all in building a foundation for peace.
How “being your own boss” isn’t all it’s cut out to be. The myths and realities of living the unpredictable entrepreneurial life.
How The Ugly Year turned into success and unexpected life change and how you can change your own life story.
When the business failed, the IRS was knocking at the door, the kids were hungry and we had borrowed a beat up car from a friend, I assumed this was the beginning of poverty and embarrassment. Instead, it turned out to be the wakeup call for our greatest and most successful adventure.
“Our family never had ‘problems’. We always had ‘Opportunities for Solutions’ and we could get mighty creative with figuring out the solutions!”
Find more on Joanne’s work on her blog and website.