I believe your inner adventurer wants to be unleashed again. Our lives are too scheduled and full. As a result most of us loose touch with our inner adventurer. We were all adventurous at some point in our life. We used to try new things, new music, new cuisine, new friends, new hobbies, etc. I’ve found that the longer I live, the greater the temptation to choose a life of comfort instead of adventure.

Unleash the Adventurer within
When I wrestle with the tension between comfort and adventure, here is what my day dream looks like. I envision my inner adventurer taking over my life like in the TV series Breaking Bad. I envision my inner adventurer tying up the suburbanite part of me, stuffing him in the trunk of my car then dropping him roadside hand cuffed to a street lamp. My inner adventurer is then free to live untethered from Starbucks, Apple products, Banana Republic suits, text messaging and Westin Hotels.
Ok, I agree that’s a bit of an extreme picture but I think you get the point. Living a predictable, comfortable, manageable life doesn’t breed any newness. In today’s podcast, I outline some suggestions for how to uncover and release your dormant inner adventurer.

Click to Listen Living Adventurously: Uncovering Your Inner Adventurer Episode #41
Podcast Highlights:
- Small burst of adventure are better than no adventure at all.
- Get comfortable taking showers in a gas station or airport sink.
- Scout out a park or trail nearby your hotel or airport. Sneak in a run or walk before boarding your flight.
- Do a loop trail instead of an out and back. You will see something new.
- Stay longer than you feel comfortable.
- How I turned seven hours in an airport into adventure.
- Be like Alexander Super Tramp for a weekend. Read John Krakauer’s Into the Wild.
- Embrace the necessary inconvenience of adventure.
- Take advantage of your 5 pm (after work) to 9 am the next morning.
- Stage your car or backpack with the tools to have quick bursts of adventure.
Read about my Joy Bucket. - Hire a local guide to take a lesson. I take surfing lessons from local surf shops in California.
Questions to ask yourself?
- When you used to be adventures, what did you do?
What did you love before you got married, had a family and got a big job? - What do you believe stands in your way today to reclaiming your adventurous spirit again?
- How can you begin to choose differently in small increments to provide room for adventure again?
My recent adventures:
10 Years without Rock Climbing:
My friend Matt Dealy and I climbed Boulder’s First Flatiron and met Conrad Anker on the summit. The North Face Alpinist featured in the movie Meru. Conrad will be a podcast guest in February ’16.
Ten recent MicroAdventures within an hour from our house. Visiting place’s I’ve never been before.
Quest to summit all 54 14’er:
Hiked Tabeguache Peak Salida, CO. elevation 14,162 I’ve completed thirty-two of my quest to summit all fifty-four 14’er in the state of Colorado.

Trying out the new VW Bus in the winter:
I slept in our 1974 VW Bus last week in 20 degrees. Left the house at 10:30 pm and was home by 9 am.
Hiking in the cold:
Yesterday, I hiked Eagle Peak on the USAFA with Kyle Spinuzzi and did an off-trail loop in the snow.