Morgan Snyder, host of Become Good Soil podcast, and my close friend interviews me on Work Life Play in celebration of this podcast reaching 100,000 downloads.
We titled it “Then and Now” as we retrace through our friendship over the last thirteen years. We talk through the original seeds of Work Life Play starting back when I’d run at lunch and shower with baby wipes before putting my suit back on.
Podcast highlights
- My beginning career in Radio advertising sales and playing with ideas
- The longer game I’m pursuing
- The question I wish people would ask me
- The lowest point in my early career
- The milestone in my career of leaving my day job and moving into new frontier
Thank you
100,000 times you downloaded an episode of Work Life Play. You voted yes as you invited my work into a sliver of your life and hopefully it helped you keep going.
Today, Morgan Snyder, host of Become Good Soil podcast, interviewed me on Work Life Play about this adventure 100,000 Downloads: Then & Now Episode #138. Mostly, we talk about what it’s been like to become the kind of person who has something to say. You can download or listen to it here.
You’ve heard from prominent thinkers like Seth Godin, Dan Miller, Jeff Goins, Carl Richards, Pam Slim, and Rachel O’Meara.
Adventurer’s like Conrad Anker, Jake Norton, Rolf Potts, Andrew Skurka, Dean Karnazes and Tommy Caldwell. Thoughtful purpose-driven people like Tess Vigeland, Bryan Buckley, Miles Adcox, and Andrew Reiner.
We’ve tackled big questions like Human Slavery, the value of Isolation, designing your life and living with real limitations. We’ve raged against the minivan with Kristen Howerton and found Art with a Soul with Kevin Butler.
We’ve cheated business travel and discovered how Love Wins in Marriage. David Wilcox and Jackopierce invited us into the practice of being brave and power of story through music. Oh yeah, and we learned How to Be Here thanks to Rob Bell.
No one invited me to start a podcast. There was no promise or guarantee that anyone would listen other than my mom. Thanks Mom 🙂
I heard a whisper that invited me forward and I risked seeing where the trail might lead. My life has expanded in beautiful ways.
100,000 downloads mark a moment worth celebrating with you. Thank you for being part of this adventure.
All 138 episodes are listed here. You can subscribe for free by email or podcast networks like iTunes, follow along on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Let’s keep going-