Texas hot is no joke. Between wedding events, we had two-hours to kill. Perfect micro-adventure window. My son and I agreed that our two options were going to see a movie (lame and predictable) or find the weirdest pool we can locate. Google found this small neighborhood pool, Texas Pool on the Creek, in the shape of Texas. Perfect match.

Get weird
I always think of Jim Carrey from Yes Man visiting a chicken factory in Nebraska. Adventure is everywhere you look.
Neither of us had proper swim trunks. We improvised. No towels. We air dried. $10 each and thirty minutes of cool soaking. The point is that if we can find a small adventure in the middle of summer in Plano, TX…you can too.
Here are a few ideas to get you thinking
- Where would you take guests visiting from another country, the most unique, the most local, outside of their normal?
- What have you always said you’d do, but haven’t?
- If you treated every day like a mini-adventure, what would you go investigate and explore?