I know what is imperfect and unfinished about myself. Some days the list of things to work on can feel long. I’ve found that of even greater importance is to know what is right, good, and whole about myself. A couple of my signature strengths are adventurous, kind, generous, humble and courageous. I’m embracing these DNA markers about myself and focusing less on the punch list of my shortcomings.
I’m not ignoring my faults, but they are being moved out of the driver’s seat and into the back seat-no backseat driving. They no longer deserve the position of control over my attention and energy. I became so accustomed to working on my “growth opportunities” that I forgot to own what makes me great.
Our signature strengths are like superpowers from a Marvel Comic. Every superhero goes through a process of realizing their unique strength, experimenting and harnessing their power. Tomorrow you won’t scale the side of a building-agreed. AND don’t underestimate when you unleash your greatness, your impact is seismic blast GOOD.
It reminds me of Pixar’s Monsters, Inc. They discovered that laughter was 10 x Times more potent than scares and screams. The reason it’s true in comic books and cartoons is that it’s true in our real life.
What has always been right and well about you?
What becomes possible if you take a break from your list for self-improvement and pick up your greatness?