A lot of people talk a good game about consistency, but in reality they have a lot of false starts. Why is it so difficult to consistently do the work that needs to be done?
- At work
- On our side hustle
- In our relationships
- With our health
I believe a major culprit is the endless choices we face everyday. We are constantly bombarded and enticed by seemingly better options.
- I could go there
- I should do that
- I forgot to finish
- Oh look something’s 20% off
- What they lost that game
- “Dad can you give me a ride”
- New text msg
- New email preview
With endless choices and constant interruptions, I can easily default to aimless activity. I’m busy doing stuff, but not actually accomplishing anything meaningful.
I believe that people like us want to close the gap between the lives we have and the life, work, relationships, health, finances that we really want.
Consistency is a multiplier you need working for you. Over time consistency produces a compound effect. Tomorrow morning you get a do-over. All the false starts, all of the mishaps and failures…they get erased tonight.
Tomorrow you get to start again.
Wake up.
Show up to your life and engage.
Do the work and make a strategic alliance with consistency.
She won’t let you down.
This post is an excerpt from the Field Guide: 99 Ways to Navigate Your Best Life. Download the full guide here.