I started a new job two months ago.
At moments I have felt like Dell Griffith from the movie Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.
I have traveled seven weeks of the past eight. Here is a quick list:
- Dallas, TX
- New Jersey x 3
- Philadelphia, PA x 2
- Tulsa, OK x 2
- Des Moines, IA
- Corpus Christi, TX
- Houston, TX
- Moab, UT
- Chicago, IL
It has been good. And I’ve had to put some of my sideline projects towards the back burner.
It is different than having four months off from full-time employment.
Last fall I resigned from my job and took some time to breathe.
It was by choice. I purposed to have some time off.
Some people felt sorry for me as if I was down on my luck.
I guess the abnormal idea of pulling a Tim Ferris and actually taking a few months off work sounds too good to be true outside of a book?
I’ll give you a download on that story. It is a good one. That leads into this post.
I’ll invite you into my head
I’ve been thinking through a number of posts I’d like to write and thought I’d publish the list.
A couple of them are near ready to launch and some are only in my head.
Just so that you don’t think I gave up and threw in the towel here are my “Coming Soon” ideas.
How Do I Compete Against Myself?
IDEA: It’s about working for a competitor to my old company.
Many of my ideas in the previous company are causing me challenges now at my new gig.
I never thought about the challenges of competing with myself.
Straddling the Fence of Success: Family and Work
IDEA: I’ve had numerous conversations recently about the tension of being successful in one or the other world.
Most people rarely get it right in both. I’d like to flush out some thoughts on how to straddle the fence and succeed in both worlds.
Flush Your Resumes. Create a Professional Portfolio Instead
IDEA: I have an aversion to resumes. Only because they are bland and boring and part of the conformist approach to career changes. I have some tested ideas that I can share on converting to a professional portfolio instead. This one is pretty close to complete.
How I Turned Seven Hours in an Airport into Aloha
IDEA: This one I am stoked about. I was stuck in an airport for seven hours waiting for a flight. I turned it into a little bit of relief, relaxation and exercise. I think I spent $60 and it was one of the best time’s I’ve spent in an airport.
Living Life, Observing Life and Commenting on it
IDEA: I find that some people are really good at living life. Some people only observe life and don’t really participate. Others are skilled at commenting on life but often on the life of others. I am a proponent of all three. I find a challenge in doing all three concurrently.
Why You Shouldn’t Follow the Rules to Build a Platform?
IDEA: I’ve been giving my eBook away for free and plenty of people have counseled me on why I shouldn’t. I thought it would be helpful to share why you should break the rules of building a Platform.
Podcast: Why Everyone Should Have a Good Failure When You’re Young?
Interview with CEO, Gabriella Calicchio, Walt Disney Family Museum.
I toured the Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco in February.
It is phenomenal. Especially if you have any interest in how ideas come to life.
During the tour, Walt Disney’s voice comes on and he speaks about his early failure in his career that resulted in his first sketches of Mickey Mouse. Scheduled to release in May
Podcast: Interview with Todd Henry author of Accidental Creative
We are scheduling the interview for later in May. More details to follow. Check out his podcast, it’s one of my favorites.
Your Vote?
Would love to hear from you on which of the above titles might capture your attention and interest?
Let’s keep going.